#59913595definition text focus word on white background
#159099947Dictionary showing the word definition
#137677401DEFINITION word, business concep
#220486106concept word definition on bars on a dark silver wooden background
#328118534The dictionary definition of "Medicine" shown under a magnifying glass
#334814661Quote box frame
#527001415Definition in Dictionary
#90672351Black line icon for define
#296876657Problems and root cause analysis concept. Define problems to find solution. The wooden cubes with illustration magnifying glass to analyze question mark sign on grey background and copy space.
#486000977Définition du mot définition dans le dictionnaire français
#311165206Definition Word Text
#103859438Wooden word and magnifying glass on a green background
#573114306definition word from dictionary, close up
#202491354Scope of work, define work to be performed agreement document, plan or strategy in project management, goal and target concept, smart businessman project manager present scope of work in meeting.
#490866852Definition Word and Banner. Letter Tiles on Yellow Background. Minimal Aesthetics.
#600408269The arrow hit the highlighted target. Advertising, marketing and targeting. Right on the bull's-eye. Success. Choose a goal, define a task. Purposefulness and insight. Succeed in work.
#561774095Blue paper speech banner with word definition on white background
#361326102Text sign showing Terminology. Conceptual photo Collection of terms used by different profession study industry Random clips art work board creative nice paperclips wood grey shadow