Wyniki wyszukiwania: wyborczy

  • Closely Capturing a Hand Depositing a Voting Card into a Ballot Box with a USA Flag Background. Concept Voting, Ballot Box, USA Flag, Democracy, Civic Duty
  • Using his hand, a man contributes to the electoral process by throwing his voting paper into the ballot box during elections.
  • Empty polling station with voting booths. Concept of elections, serene voting experience, modern electoral facilities, transparent democracy, and accessible voting.
  • Closeup of a paper ballot with a bold cross marked in a box, ample space around for a clean, focused electoral image
  • Close-up of a hand casting a ballot into a voting box, election day atmosphere
  • Election Divide: US Capitol at Sunset. A dynamic image of the US Capitol, bathed in blue and red hues, illustrating the electoral divide between Republicans and Democrats
  • Persona sujetando un papel blanco con su mano derecha, volcando su voto en la urna electoral o cajón de cartón, derecho a decidir, libremente, sobre cualquier tema, emitir una opinión, en un auditorio
  • Explore the profound impact of misinformation and disinformation on voter behavior, highlighting how false information can sway electoral outcomes.
  • Hand drops ballot into ballot box on election day
  • Citizen casting vote in a ballot box, with the American flag in the background, representing democratic elections.
  • With the American flag as a backdrop, a man and his family participate in the electoral process, emphasizing the importance of civic engagement and democratic values.
  • Study the future potential of blockchain in electoral systems, focusing on security and anonymity.
  • Election Divide: US Capitol at Sunset. A dynamic image of the US Capitol, bathed in blue and red hues, illustrating the electoral divide between Republicans and Democrats.
  • Elegante e carismática jovem afro votando nas eleições, cidadania democracia política eleitoral votação eleitor
  • Secure voting system using blockchain technology, promoting transparency and trust in the electoral process.
  • Professional conference room awaiting political candidates for televised debate. American democracy and electoral process with empty chairs and stage.
  • Brazil voter registration card in a woman’s hand isolated in a abstract green background
  • voting in the elections, people around the ballot box
  • Illustration of people showing their hands with electoral stain after casting vote.Concept of election in India
  • 2024 USA presidential elections concept with american flag on background.