Wyniki wyszukiwania: afryka południowa

  • aerial Gaborone
  • Elephant, Giraffe and Zebra standing close together on the dry arid African plains
  • Colorful spring blooming wildflowers, Namaqualand, Northern Cape, South Africa.
  • Suricate (Suricata suricatta), guard on the lookout at burrow, rainy season with green surroundings, Kalahari Desert, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa, Africa
  • Tsitsikamma, Eastern Cape, South Africa. 2019. The N2 highway at Tsitsikamma along the Garden Route a scenic drive.
  • African Black Oystercatcher foraging in a small tidal pool for food.
  • Victoria falls from the Zambia side with double rainbow
  • Elephant bull walking in the Kruger National Park in South Africa
  • two meerkats, suricata suricatta, standing upright watching environment
  • Political map of southern Africa region. Simlified schematic vector map in shades of grey.
  • Hosea Kutako Memorial, 1870-1970, Head of State, Parliament Garden, Windhoek, Namibia, Africa
  • Common warthog portrait with oxpecker on the head in Kruger National park, South Africa ; Specie Phacochoerus africanus family of Suidae
  • Beautiful panoramic view of the cliff path of the South African city of Hermanus, one of the southernmost cities in Africa and one of the best whale watching cities in the world.
  • Biltong is a form of dried, cured meat which originated in Southern African
  • Skorpion
  • The road leading through the Cederberg Mountains in the Western Cape of South Africa
  • ケープペンギン(Cape Penguin, 学名:Spheniscus demersus) ケープペンギン(別名:ジャッカスペンギン) は、アフリカ南部沿岸に生息する中型のペンギン です。「ジャッカスペンギン(Jackass Penguin)」という英名は、ロバ(jackass)のような鳴き声 に由来しています。
  • Close up of the bright red flowers of cancer bush or balloon pea or sutherlandia or phetola or insiswa (Sutherlandia frutescens or Colutea frutescens or Lessertia frutescens) a southern African legume
  • Kelp Gull
  • Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger), rare antelope with magnificent horns, South Africa