acronym - word from wooden blocks with letters, use of acronyms in the modern world abbreviation concept, random letters around, top view on wooden background
#290340641Wooden word and magnifying glass on a green background
#573114306Wooden blocks with the word Acronym. Abbreviation from the initial components of a phrase or a word.
#392234919FAQ abbreviation
#62385898FYI or for your information text on wooden blocks. Copy space
#444905969Smart acronym explanation vector illustration. Efficient project management.
#354692972Acronyms - Wooden 3D rendered letters/message. Can be used for an online banner ad or a print postcard.
#243671035Hand with marker writing the word Tell Me About Acronyms
#90127715A sigla MEI para Microempreendedor Individual escrita em dados de madeira que estão sobre uma calculadora azul. Economia brasileira.
#587699502IT information technology concept on touchscreen, computer systems new
#945447480BRB, LOL, ROFL, AMA, acronyms
#419356081IDEA Infographics - Imagine, Dare, Expand, Achieve, concept acronym
#283686385Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation - medical acronym
#20917571SMART acronym on wood blocks with glowing light bulbs, smart goal setting concept
#969366261Seamless Pattern with Hand Drawn Internet Acronyms
#134424070Team Concept
#64951975Motivating and inspiring FEAR acronym on sticky notes posted to chalkboard meaning False Evidence Appearing Real.
#391640054KEY acronym - Knowledge empowers you