piec opalany drewnem
#450475439Biały dym z komina
#258816885System pożarowy. Alarm ewakuacyjny.
#228745447Village on the area of the Sahel in North Chad
#201621174Dym z komina
#767290311Piec kaflowy
#100028476Elektrociepłownia - kominy
#147609705Resztki popiołu po spalonym drewnie w kominku
#672103780Biały dym lecący z komina.
#1227953806Ogromne kopcące kominy
#976399104Toksyczna atmosfera
#198996659Village on the area of the Sahel in North Chad
#201621436 Saline Ouniaga Kebir lake in the Sahara Desert, Chad
#201600968The Guelta d'Archei located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad
#201527792Village in the area of Sahel in Chad
#201634799Village with clay, jags for crops in the area of Sahel in Chad
#201634503Dried lacustrine bottom and remnants of ancient lake chad close to Faya Largeau oasis
#201541561Village on the area of the Sahara desert in north Chad
#201642689 Saline Ouniaga Kebir lake in the Sahara Desert, Chad
#201599608Village on the area of Sahel in Chad