Wyniki wyszukiwania: franciszek

  • Zabytki na placu Św. Piotra w Watykanie. Na pierwszym planie ogromna fontanna, a w oddali widać bazylikę świętego Piotra, Włochy.
  • Bridge of Cardinal Franciszek Macharski in Krakow at sunset.
  • Widok miasta Asyż, Włochy
  • Portrait of Frederic Chopin (young years) - a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era who wrote primarily for solo piano. Illustration of the 19th century. White background.
  • Warsaw, Poland. Funerary monument on a pillar in Holy Cross Church, enclosing Frederic Chopin's heart
  • The Roman Catholic Church of the Franciscans, Stigmata of St. Franciszek Seraficki at Zakroczymska Street in Warsaw
  • , in the style of childlike illustrations, organic geometric shapes, earthy textures, uhd image, light orange and dark beige, franciszek starowieyski, nikolai lockertsen
  • Vatican flag
  • Fot. Konrad Filip Komarnicki / EAST NEWS Wlochy 09.07.2010 Asyz. Widok sprzed bazyliki swietego Franciszka.
  • Traditional forest shrine and spring of St. Francis in Swieta Katarzyna village near Bodzentyn at tourist path to Lysica peak in Swietokrzyskie Mountains in Poland
  • Charles Bridge in Prague in the Czech Republic. Catholic church of St. Franciszek of Serafin. Pleasure boats on the Vltava River
  • ポーランド ワルシャワ ショパン博物館 世界遺産 Poland Warsaw Frederik Chopin Museum Museum Fryderyk Franciszek Chopina World Heritage
  • St. Francis spring
  • Portrait of the Polish composer NFryderyk Franciszek Chopin from the obverse side of 5000 five thousand old Polish Zlotych banknote currency year 1986, old Polish Zloty money, Poland, vintage retro
  • Flags of Poland and Vatican over Cracow landscape
  • Monument to Yuriy Frants Kulchytsky in Lviv
  • Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki sculpture located on Danylo Square near the centre of Lviv Old Town, Ukraine
  • South-western facade of the Puslovsky Palace (Kossovo Castle). Kossovo. Ivatsevichi district. Brest region. Belarus
  • CZECHOSLOVAKIA - 1949: shows Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)
  • Polish statesman Ignacy Franciszek Przebendowski