Pequeno rebanho de gado no pasto seco em um dia enfumaçado por causa de queimadas no Brasil.
#941094461Rebanho de gado Nelore no pasto, raça Nelore, animais olhando para camera, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, pecuária brasileira, agronegócio
#327189162Bovinos e Galinhas
#802585067Organic chicken farm with free range chickens grazing in a lush green meadow during a picturesque golden hour sunset in the beautiful countryside landscape
#862340048Serene Sunset Grazing - Pastoral Beauty Unveiled
#821048328Vacas en Chandrexa de Queixa, Galicia
#959201881Gado de corte da pecuária brasileira / Cattle grazing in Brazilian livestock
#494123469France > Campagne > élevage > Vache
#212473642Batterie Elevage Poulets
#3339382Two curious cows stand behind a fence in a picturesque rural landscape, with rolling hills and autumn foliage.
#932390648elevage de dinde
#497554766Sheep with Digital Overlay.
#931932920Group of cows at cowshed eating hay or fodder on dairy farm.
#431847282A robot washes a modern pig farm in Denmark
#882273985Farmer Feeding Piglets
#935675483Farm Scene with Crops, Animals, and Machinery 3d isometric vector illustration
#1031802752Lapins en élevage
#66721450Farmer Holding Feed in Hand
#779962336élevage de canard en plein air en Normandie
#572547822Male and female farmer inspecting cattle together using digital tablet.