Ruins of ancient city of Carthage in Tunisia
#258230444Tunezja - Kartagina
#22434984Термы. Карфаген
#66666677Ruinas de Cartago - Tunez
#634489688Cartagina ruins
#10338250théâtre carthage
#3368828carthage sur fond de mer
#54046994Tanit, busto femenino importado de Sicília, 400-300 a.C, Museo arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera, Patrimonio de la Humanidad «Ibiza, biodiversidad y cultura», Ibiza, balearic islands, Spain
#23174583Battle of the Rhone. vintage illustration.
#353015241Ancient Rome - The battle of Zama, the last battle of the second Punic war between the Romans and the Carthaginians
#468033303Antiquity - Phenician Ship
#52800681Tunesien, Karthago, Kathedrale
#11689257thermes de Carthage
#22987016вид сверху на руины Карфагена
#140592586Archaeological site of Carthage, Tunisia
#805298493Battle of Carthage- invasion of the carthaginian army
#777139767Church in Cartago, Costa Rica