Farmer's hands holding freshly harvested silage corn maize
#104168391Ensilage on a dairy farm.
#117606322green mass of corn silage during placement in the pit
#373764081Entleerung eines Silagetransporters
#111583953Hands holding bunch of pressed maize silage, fodder, livestock feed.
#469417896hands holding corn chaff 01
#26657461Farmer feeding cows
#409324126Maissilage aus Foliensilo
#226350140Wrapped stacked silage bales row isolated round white plastic film hay rolls haylage stack rows panorama, horizontal grassland closeup, green summer meadow grass, baling concept, panoramic rural scene
#158799962Silage from corn is crushed and ready for laying in a silo trench, a pit. Silo from corn on a background of blue sky is rammed in the pit. Food for cattle in winter.
#246862167Wrapped haylage bales
#391134701Closeup of a swath of freshly mowed green grass on the field, the grass was mowed by the farmer with a drum mower without conditioner and after drying will be silaged
#356405927Closeup silage fermented feed for food of cow. Silo from fresh harvest chopped maize background
#693621634silage pit
#46148059Stacked like a pyramid,bales of silage , wrapped in a membrane. Food for the cows in the winter on a dairy farm. General view. Isolated photo .
#254362919Viehfutter - Anschnittfläche eines großen Maissilagehaufen
#193828341北海道 美瑛町 ロールベール サイレージ
#130165407Several balls of wrapped silage on a big field of green grass
#482317528Silage pile - animal food mainly used for cows. With a shovel and a pitchfork leaning on the silage pile.