collezione francobolli
#3493494licznik samochodowy
#62964352Emotion recognition AI or affective computing concept. Computer vision technology detecting high probability of anger in a furious man's facial expressions and cues.
#526698739Spiral screw classifier for separating fine sands into fractions. Mining and processing plant.
#432680083Licznik prądu.
#88421285Ore dressing treatment with classifiers in mining-and-processing integrated work
#472486529Zahl Vier
#49196338Rozdzielnia prądu w domu
#92850288An air classifier machine is operating to separate lightweight materials from a waste stream, enhancing the recycling process at a facility. The machine efficiently sorts materials for reuse.
#1263311589Instalacja cieplna i wodna zamontowana na korytarzu.
#527811173Pipe system
#57710192Prędkościomierz podświetlony na bursztynowo
#128587187Crushing stones in a quarry for processing minerals, cement, limestone. Distribution and Screening Plant Gravel. Vibrating screen stone crusher in operation.
#1033723560ore-dressing treatment with classifiers in mining-and-processing integrated work
#396585575Automated document indexing improves search efficiency.
#853484014natural language processing language understanding. Sentiment Analysis Extracting emotional and opinion-based insights from text for applications in customer feedback and reviews
#1242969282Documenti rilegati con spirale di plastica, close up
#25916754Listwa przedłużacza podłączonego do prądu leżąca na banknotach obok kalkulatora i długopisu