Sorrowful moment at funeral with people mourning bidding last farewell to person in urn
#654749189A metal urn with ashes of a dead person on a funeral, with people mourning in the background on a memorial service. Sad grieving moment at the end of a life. Last farewell to a person in an urn.
#975994941Einäscherung im Verbrennungsofen eines Krematoriums
#757189967Close-up of a cremation urn placed against a serene and tranquil backdrop, focusing on the urn's solemn beauty and peaceful aura
#816444681Elegant Funeral Urn with Flowers and Candles, Peaceful Outdoor Memorial Setting
#952860864a cremation urn alongside meaningful keepsake items, such as a framed photograph, a folded letter, and a flowe
#902208317Funerary urn with ashes of dead and flowers at funeral.
#433589070Brennender Sarg im Krematorium
#346956091White roses and black cremation urn with burning candles in Long Shot
#1053474074Black cremation urn adorned with white roses and candles as a symbol of remembrance, death anniversary, memorialize, legacy, emotional healing
#1108693150Thai cremation ceremony
#133761960Eulogy and funeral concept. Mature woman dressed in black standing at the pulpit and giving a eulogy or sharing memories in the church, funeral flowers in the foreground.
#857446667世界遺産パシュパティナート カトマンズ・ネパール पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर, Pashupatinath Temple, Katmandu, Nepal
#684944374red rose and cremation urn with burning candles
#164599078Serene backdrop accentuates the peaceful beauty of a cremation urn. Concept Cremation Urns, Serenity Theme, Funeral Accessories
#851633262Elegant cremation urn
#1153006392Pet urns for cremation or burial. Funeral urns.
#462458051photo frame, cremation urn and candles in church
#167835805Särge im Krematorium vor der Verbrennung