contingent outline style icon
#545572947Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523556Dziewczyna wyrzuca stare zużyte akumulatory li-ion (litowo-jonowe), recykling surowców wtórnych
#945290822Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523521water mixed with snow in the thaw, filmed in early November
#299967652water mixed with snow in the thaw, filmed in early November
#299967507Stare zużyte baterie alkaliczne, zbiórka odpadów niebezpiecznych.
#1031670445Biegus zmienny dunlin Calidris alpina
#511255910Kobieta trzymająca w rękach stos zużytych baterii
#1031668453person's emotions shifting like the seasons, representing the mood swings of bipolar disorder.
#1103110301Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523825person's emotions shifting like the seasons, representing the mood swings of bipolar disorder.
#873351393Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523958Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523668Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523831Biegus zmienny (Calidris alpina)
#523523575An old skull covered in cobwebs, with a spider resting on it. The background is dark with more cobwebs, and two candles are placed beside the skull, adding a mysterious ambiance
#1002376218plastikowy próbnik napięcia
#957261993The image is of a small wooden boat with two oars floating on a calm lake. The water is clear and reflects the sky.
#1057893780water mixed with snow in the thaw, filmed in early November