Macro picture of a B10K type adjustable rotary potentiometer isolated on a white background with shadow and without.
#328579285Potentiometer with knob
#105274119The variable resistor isolated on white background. rheostat.
#503172369Volume adjustment dials. Round level knob, rotary control dial and sound controller interface circle switch vector set
#546468146Dual potentiometer electronic component on white background
#480993394Controles audio vectoriels 1
#46245457Two variable resistors or potentiometers / potmeter
#232997529Slider, adjuster interface elements. Horizontal faders for UI de
#53736646The rheostat is a physical device used to adjust the current and voltage in an electrical circuit, by obtaining the required resistance value.
#258677244Big volume knobs set
#542376324Circuit boards arranged like a Christmas tree with Santa hat and a scarf. Programmers' greeting card idea.
#869541366rheosta adjustment used to change the current density in the electrical circuit. electronic circuit. reosta, rheostat for physics lesson
#343645323Sliding rheostat
#55917616potentiometer with symbol
#153140388Electronic Components
#353955642Detalle de mano de musico y amplificador.Ingenieria de sonido y produccion musical.
#176119654Laboratory rheostat on the table
#183326027potentiometer variable resistor or rheostat.