Wyniki wyszukiwania: procesja

  • Fronleichnamsprozession,Messdiener schwenken Weihrauch , Fronleichnam, F
  • Lourdes, France, 24 June 2019: Evening procession with candles at the shrine of Lourdes
  • procession
  • Candles procession of Our Lady Fatima
  • MINSK, BELARUS - 1 JUNY, 2019: pilgrims celebraing and praying during the procession of God's body with the holiest sacrament
  • aghori sadhu bathing in ganges river during maha kumbha mela
  • 古い町並みで行列を作る人々
  • 15 JULY 2018, TARRAGONA, SPAIN: People at celebration of religious holiday with Virgin Mary
  • 行列
  • Colorful rosenmontag carnival celebrations with street parade, festive costumes
  • 長蛇の列ができる風景
  • 人気店に並ぶ人々
  • grand procession in Ardh Kumbh Mela, thousands of Hindu devotees walking towards Ganges river carrying torches and offerings, colorful flags fluttering along the way, Ai generated images
  • People waiting in queue to the shop. Crowd going to the store.
  • Enchanting Lucia Day Procession with Ethereal Candlelit Gowns in Serene Winter Landscape
  • Colorful ganesh chaturthi processions showcasing beautifully adorned idols and traditional attire
  • Mãos erguidas de pessoas. Multidão em procissão religiosa. Muitas mãos levantadas.
  • 昼食に並ぶ人々
  • vibrant Las Posadas celebration in a traditional Mexican village, participants walking in procession holding candles and singing carols, colorful decorations like papel picado and piñatas hanging abov
  • sticks decorated with various twigs for palm sunday processions
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