White Bower
#80469156Chrobry Embankment, (Hakena Terrace), Szczecin Voivodeship Office and North Rotunda, Szczecin, Poland
#905177313View from Band rotunda in Victoria Lake Reserve in Whanganui,Manawatu-Wanganui Region on North Island of New Zealand
#353565021The photo shows the Rotunda hotel on the top of the Chopok mountain in Low Tatras, Slovakia.
#373760799Mela indossa occhialini rotondi
#808226675Duomo e Rotonda di Brescia - Lombardia
#220269622pastiglie di acquerelli colorate su sfondo nero
#128296635Maiolica santi aureola frutta, forma cirolare
#70492814una distesa di pizza semplice
#41585000Scenic Landscape with Waterfall Gazebo and Vibrant Flowers on Cliff
#11319502303D Isometric Flat Vector Conceptual Illustration of Eastern Bazaar, Asian Street Market
#603766165Resurrection cathedral of Resurrection (New Jerusalem) monastery in Istra. Russia
#500042288A rotunda with concrete columns stands by the walkway at the edge of a city park. Next to it are bushes and trees, and behind them are apartment buildings
#513965226Rotunda at the Memorial Shakhidlar Hotirasi complex in evening
#581991349Rotunda with bridges in the park
#128302245Church of St George , Early Christian red brick rotunda built by the Romans in the 4th century and the oldest building in Sofia, Bulgaria
#274450958MARFINO, MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA - JANUARY 23, 2016: Two-tier gazebo rotunda Milovidф in the estate of Marfino
#100929643Miglior Mamma dal 1992 - written in Italian - circular frame - icon - word ideal for website, presentation, postcard, t-shirt, greeting card, sticker, cricut, sublimation, scrapbooking
#829019023Rue de Aix en Provence avec ses batisses et maisons provençale, proche de la fontaine de la rotonde et de la place d'albertas, saison estivale bloqué par le confinement du corona virus
#339634331Orologio vintage da taschino