Policjant z lizakiem do zatrzymywania pojazdów kontroluje ruch drogowy
#571380287Subjekt Prädikat Objekt im Fokus
#368596591チームワークイメージ バナー・広告向け横長ビジュアル
#519059499Klucz lecących dzikich gęsi.
#213080163chinese flag in front of skyscraper
#863865729Displays green button word order now - written it indicating
#1073802357Sentence Formation Icon
#1158766251Męska szafa
#17275309NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
#144617887neon backlit style of the word order now on a black grainy background
#942800106何かお困りですか?何かお手伝いが必要ですか?|「Do you need help?」と書かれた積み木
#439263116Flag of Brazil fluttering in the wind. In the center of the flag with the words "order and progress" in Portuguese. flag day. proclamation of the Republic. proclamação da república
#1017947876Wycieczka harcerzy
#214235535Brazilian flag soaking in water inside a clear glass container with the word order appearing
#189666577Word Order on wood cubes
#519585176Megaphone with speech bubble in word order Close
#650937613close up photography of black laptop keyword with the word "order" on one key