Cockerel Rooster weather vane, wind vane, weathercock against blue sky. Wind direction instrument, with letters for compass points, painted black red and white.
#294851813wind direction indicators weather vanes
#297746860weathervane against cloudscape
#49139803Copper rooster weathervane on a red barn with a pigeon for company, against a blue sky
#558028681Weather vane and blue sky.
#1342711Cata-Vento / Wind Vane
#5073787A futuristic copper weathervane against a stormy sky.
#557278957Rooster weathervane against sunrise with bright colors in clouds, concept for early morning wake up
#123574682wind vane girouette
#528189Colorful Pinwheel Icon Set
#367047912cata-vento rosa e verde em fundo branco
#618944761iron weathervane in the shape of a stork with a blurred background an instrument used for showing the direction of the wind
#449220768wind vane to indicate the wind direction and the metal cock abov
#639841482Vane icons set simple vector. Breeze toy. Paper animal air wind