Dictionary definition of word rational
#486812028Heads of two people with colourful shapes of abstract brain for concept of idea and teamwork. Two people with different thinking.
#570814244Word cloud for Rational emotive behavior therapy
#472453243d man with a watch
#40825397Sign with word irrational turned into rational
#257362075illustrazione simbolica di testa umana che pensa
#848614416Difference man and woman in the way of thinking
#64853635石川県 金沢市 ひがし茶屋街
#644957743arnie razionali
#265286051artificial circuits and human brain with thought bubbles
#113707327Man and woman think in different ways
#478758111L'unione fa la forza
#351345922Strategia e visione
#185793322Concept montrant deux profils qui symbolisent des méthodes de raisonnement opposées avec un cerveau rationnel face à un esprit confus.