Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent is a holy day of prayer and fasting. Web banner, program, social graphic, logo, simple.
#476414299Faith and religion.
#510095000Good Friday, Lent Season, Ash Wednesday and Holy Week concept. Christian cross and ashes on purple background.
#324378129Ash Wednesday concept with cross, ashes, and olive leaves on concrete stone background
#704521169cross of ashes with border of palm fronds and crown of thorns on a dark purple background
#487438014Christian cross drawing in ash as symbol of religion. Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, Ash Wednesday concept
#692204536Lent Season,Holy Week and Good Friday concepts - image of wooden cross in purple vintage background. Stock photo.
#487590187Ash Wednesday arrangement of cross, ashes, and palm leaf on gray
#797699950Hering mit Kartoffel
#20727258Christian cross and ash as symbol of religion, sacrifice, redemption of Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday concept
#700318901bowl with ashes and olive branch. ash wednesday concept
#481985670Fastenzeit Aschermittwoch Schild
#188480977cross on blurry sunset background .
#562342134Golgotha hill with cross of Jesus Christ drawing made in ash, sand or dust as christian crucifixion calvary of God on Good Friday before Easter or Ash Wedneday concept
#323325632Open bible with purple ribbon bookmark on Ash Wednesday, ash cross visible on the page, feeling of devotion and quiet reflection
#710732706Mature woman went to get ash for Lent Day or Ash Wednesday
#326699929Ash Wednesday religion concept on violet fabric background with rosary
#242436543Sacred ritual: embracing Ash Wednesday as time for penance, reflection, acknowledgment of human mortality, symbolized by imposition of ashes, guiding believers into season of faith, devotion.
#1063933492Bowl and Some Palm Leaves for Ash Wednesday, Vector Illustration
#138906358Ash Wednesday Poster Or Banner in purple Background.