Elegante cartolina d'auguri con una serie di cuori stilizzati su uno sfondo chiaro. I cuori sono collegati da una linea sottile e hanno una colorazione tenue, in tonalità pastello.
#1183620353Beautiful stained glass window in Notre Dame
#41756815stained glass window
#25374866Old book open isolated. Used paper texture
#94679587Henné plante en poudre pour coloration teinture de cheveux roux avec mèches rousses
#132464141Crucifixion of Jesus, stained glass in Beaune
#31165547Paper textures - background with space for text
#60783249Ely Cathedral stained glass window, Joshua secretly sent two spies to scout out the fortified city of Jericho
#106318812burned school writing-book
#34029497Aged paper
#28190294Angels making music in stained glass
#83548249Colorful stained-glass windows in Duomo (Cathedral) in Milan.
#72403416Medieval stained glass
#90987660Biblical stained glass
#32754562Saint Brigid of Kildare
#6003574Nativity in stained glass.
#26839455Ancient stained glass window
#43437959Colorful stained glass with floral motifs
#114380306abstract golden background with canvas texture
#92834607Stained-glass window