Kminek suszony w drewnianej łopatce izolowane na białym tle
#535581425top view of pile of caraway seeds close up on gray
#437255636kümmel blüte und samen
#194577569Kümmel (Carum carvi)
#235674671Anise flower field. Food and drinks ingredient.
#234299148kminek przyprawa w całości jako tło do projektu
#46607699Caraway Seeds An Essential Ingredient in Global Kitchens with Generative AI
#646861255Kminek. Suszone zioła. Kompozycja ziół na drewnianym blacie.
#241538024dried caraway seeds isolated on white
#457141471Cumin or caraway seeds isolated on a white background, view from above.
#725873221Echter Kümmel (Carum carvi)
#117078330Dry Cumin Seed Icon, Cummin Heap, Caraway Seeds Symbol, Indian Spices Pile, Fennel Kernels, Cumin Icons on White Background, Vector Illustration
#302876010kminek w słoiku ,przyprawa
#371607266fresh plant of unripe cumin at farm,cumin green plants , cumin plant grows in the garden,cumin plants agriculture view,
#329963052Kminek na białym tle