Wyniki wyszukiwania: waterhole

  • Portrait of a Beautiful lion lion at the waterhole
  • Herd of Burchell Zebra with a lone giraffe and oryx at a waterhole with a natural bnush background - Etosha National Park
  • Elephant Gathering. A small group of elephants gather at a waterhole on a summer's day under threatening skies.
  • Serene image of a zebra quenching its thirst at a waterhole on the African savannah
  • A powerful and soulful image of an African elephant bathing in a waterhole within a dense forest ambiance
  • A Zebra having a drink on a safari in South Africa
  • A photography of a African elephant bathing in a large, serene waterhole at sunrise.
  • African Elephants
  • A colour side lit panorama image of a herd of elephants Loxodonta africana bathing and drinking at a dwindling waterhole in Savute Botswana. Copy space image. Place for adding text
  • Giraffe resting at waterhole
  • Okaukuejo waterhole in the wet season
  • side angle, African elephant standing by waterhole in savanna, reflective water surface, evening, warm golden light, dry season, serene climate, majestic and calm mood
  • African savannah with river and wild animals. Modern cartoon illustration of rhinoceros, hyena, hippo and wildebeest in savannah with trees, cactus, mountain, waterhole and sand.
  • Nature documentary, elephants at a watering hole, African savanna, herd with playing calves, soft diffused daylight, birds in the sky.
  • Condition of wild elephants and wildlife and water sources Natural disasters reflect the dire consequences of destroying nature. loss that cannot be repaired
  • Cute animals in the forest
  • A family of elephants drinks from a waterhole during a breathtaking sunset in the savanna, reflecting the beauty of wildlife.
  • Cute animals in the forest
  • saiga antelope or saiga tatarica drinks in steppe near waterhole in winter
  • A majestic bull elephant wading through a misty, serene lake at dawn