Deterioration and full stop of the process. The path leads to defeat. Failure, stoppage. Worsening forecast. Complete impossibility to continue. Rejection of an idea. Sanctions. Fatal error
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#187234314parada obligatoria
#231485368Four principles of Jidoka - Detection, stoppage, response, protection. Infographic template with icons and description placeholder
#974772662Baustelle, Absperrung, Straßensperrung mit Schaufel, Pickel, Baustellenschild, Pylone und Sicherheitshelm auf Straße
#452276454Straßensperre Hochwasser
#937124228Woman Holding Stop Sign
#363900508Vollsperrung von Bundesstraße, Panoramaformat
#457846747Disruption Icon
#958697447Policjant na służbie z elektrycznym paralizatorem. Tazer. Taser
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#73852925Hochwasser am Rhein - Überflutete Straße